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The Revival of the Hard Cider Industry in Northern New Jersey

The annual meeting held on January 12, 2023 featured a lecture by Megan Muehlbauer, the Agricultural and Natural Resources Agent at Rutgers University.  Her topic was the Revival of the Hard Cider Industry in Northern New Jersey: A look into how apples and cider production have evolved through the years. Muehlbauer discussed the history of apple production in northern New Jersey from the first known orchards up through the orchards still in production today.  She discussed the most commonly grown varieties throughout history and those used today, and how they are currently blended and processed into the final cider product.  She compared the differences between blends in the United States, England, France and Spain.  Muehlbauer also brought sample cider apples grown in her experimental orchard for tasting.

Muehlbauer has researched tree fruit for over ten years.  Her current programming includes tree fruit fertility management, apple cultivar evaluation, and hard cider production.  She also maintains a number of specialty crop research trials on hazelnuts, hops, wine grapes and beach plums.

Before the lecture, Mary Prendergast was honored for her amazing work as the Harding Township Historical Society Archivist.  Mary’s knowledge of the history of Harding Township is encyclopedic, which she shares with historians, genealogists, schools, and businesses.  She was presented with a charcuterie board custom engraved with an image of the Tunis-Ellicks House Museum and a quote from historian David McCullough that states, “History is who we are and why we are the way we are.”

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